Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Loic Schmidt, David Simplot-Ryl, Julien Vandaele.

  • Title: Project Very large scale open wireless sensor network testbed

  • Type: TLCOM

  • Duration: December 2007 - December 2011

  • Coordinator: Inria DNET (Lyon)

  • Others partners: ___Inria POPS and ASAP___ ___Thales___ ___UPMC___ ___Université de Strasbourg___

  • See also: ___http://www.senslab.info/ ___

  • Abstract: ___SensLAB is a group of 1K sensor nodes available as a testbed for distributed embedding sensor network application and distributed systems research. Distributed systems based on networked sensors and actuators with embedded computation capabilities allow for an instrumentation of the physical world at an unprecedented scale and density,thus enabling a new generation of monitoring and control applications. The SensLAB project was started in 2008. As of June 2009,SensLAB was composed of 1024 nodes at 4 sites. Accounts are available to persons affiliated with corporations and universities that host SensLAB nodes but also to any researchers for R&D purpose on request. SensLAB members actively participate in developing tools for the greater good of the community,and as a result each user has a wide choice of tools to use in order to design,compile, simulate,emulate,debug his/her embedded sensor application. There are a number of free,public services / tools / package have been deployed on SensLAB ,including drivers,OS portage,network simulator (WSNET) and a software-driven simulator for full platform estimations and debu (WSIM). SensLAB forms the core of the an emerging testbed for the future internet of things technologies.___


Participants : Milan Erdelj, Nathalie Mitton, Karen Miranda, Tahiry Razafindralambo [correspondant] , David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: Reseau Coordonne de substitution mobile

  • Type: VERSO

  • Duration: December 2010 - December 2013

  • Coordinator: Inria POPS

  • Others partners: ___LAAS___ ___UPMC___ ___France Telecom___ ___ENS Lyon___

  • See also: ___http://rescue.lille.inria.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___In RESCUE, we propose to exploit the controlled mobility of mobile routers to help a base network in trouble provide a better service. The base network may be any access network or metropolitan network (including wired and wireless technologies). Troubles may come from an increase of unplanned traffic, a failure of an equipment, or a power outage.

    When no backup networks are available, it would be interesting to deploy, for a limited time corresponding to the period of the problem (i.e., failure or traffic overload), a substitution network to help the base network keep providing services to users. In the RESCUE project, we will investigate both the underlying mechanisms and the deployment of a substitution network composed of a fleet of dirigible wireless mobile routers. Unlike many projects and other scientic works that consider mobility as a drawback, in RESCUE we use the controlled mobility of the substitution network to help the base network reduce contention or to create an alternative network in case of failure. ___


Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Roberto Quilez, David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: Widening Interoperability for Networking Global Supply Chains

  • Type: VERSO

  • Duration: November 2009 - March 2012

  • Coordinator: GS1

  • Others partners: ___Inria POPS___ ___UPMC___ ___France Telecom___ ___AFNIC___ ___GREYC___

  • See also: ___http://www.wings-project.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___This 2-year project focus on a proof-of-concept platform demonstrating the federated ONS model and the interaction with a prototype of Discovery Service. ___


Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Priyanka Rawat, Tahiry Razafindralambo, David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: Federating Computing Resources

  • Type: VERSO

  • Duration: November 2010 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: UPMC

  • Others partners: ___Inria DNet, Planete, POPS___ ___Thales___ ___ALU___

  • See also: ___http://f-lab.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___The F-Lab project works towards enabling an open, general-purpose and sustainable large-scale shared experimental facility that fosters the emergence of the Future Internet. F-Lab builds on a leading prototype for such a facility: the OneLab federation of testbeds. F-Lab will enhance the OneLab federation model with the addition of SensLAB's unique sensor network and LTE-based cellular systems, and develop tools to conduct experiments on these enriched facilities. Project partners include some of France's top academic and industrial research institutions, working together to develop experimental facilities on the Future Internet. F-Lab presents an unique opportunity for the French community to play a stronger role in the design of federation systems; for the SensLAB testbed to reach an international visibility and use; and for the pioneering of testbeds based on LTE technology. ___


Participants : Tony Ducrocq, Michael Hauspie, Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: BinThatThinks

  • Type: ECOTECH

  • Duration: November 2010 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: Inria ACES (Rennes)

  • Others partners: ___Etineo___ ___Veolia___

  • See also: ___http://binthatthink.inria.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___ Efficient dust sorting is a main challenge for the current society. BinThatThinks is a research project that aims to propose a system that makes the collect and sorting easier through the use of RFID and sensors. ___



Participants : Milan Erdelj, Nathalie Mitton, Enrico Natalizio, Tahiry Razafindralambo [correspondant] , David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: Mobile Substitution Networks

  • Type: ARC

  • Duration: January 2010 - December 2011

  • Coordinator: Inria POPS

  • Others partners: ___Inria Reso___ ___UPMC___

  • See also: ___http://arcmission.lille.inria.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___ In MISSION, we study the feasability of the set up of a substitution network by using mobile robots equipped with one or several wireless technologies. More precisely, the focus is be put on the deployment and re-deployment of robots based on QoS constraints. ___



Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Lucie Jacquelin, Tahiry Razafindralambo, Julien Vandaele.

  • Title: Sensor Network Applications

  • Type: ADT

  • Duration: November 2010 - November 2014

  • Coordinator: Inria POPS

  • Others partners: ___Inria Non-A___ ___Inria D-NET___ ___Inria Planete___ ___Inria NECS___ ___Inria DEMAR___ ___Inria MADYNES___ ___Inria AMAZONE___ ___Inria SED___

  • See also: ___http://sensas.gforge.inria.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___Sensas aims to propose mainly control science application based on wireless sensor and actuator network nodes provided from the work done around senslab and senstools projects.___


Participants : Victor Corblin, Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Loic Schmidt, Julien Vandaele.

  • Title: SensLille

  • Type: ADT

  • Duration: November 2011 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: Inria POPS

  • Abstract: ___SensLille is an ADT that aims to improve SensLab Lille platform by offering new functionalities as the use of electric trains to experiment mobile nodes.___

Equipements d'Excellence


Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Tahiry Razafindralambo, Loic Schmidt, Julien Vandaele.

  • Title: Future Internet of Things

  • Type: EquipEx

  • Duration: March 2010 - December 2019

  • Coordinator: UPMC

  • See also: ___http://fit-equipex.fr/ ___

  • Abstract: ___FIT (Future Internet of Things) aims to develop an experimental facility, a federated and competitive infrastructure with international visibility and a broad panel of customers. It will provide this facility with a set of complementary components that enable experimentation on innovative services for academic and industrial users. The project will give French Internet stakeholders a means to experiment on mobile wireless communications at the network and application layers thereby accelerating the design of advanced networking technologies for the Future Internet.

    FIT is one of 52 winning projects from the first wave of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's "Equipements d'Excellence" (Equipex) research grant program. Coordinated by Professor Serge Fdida of UPMC Sorbonne Universités and running over a nine-year period, the project will benefit from a 5.8 million euro grant from the French government.___